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Performance &



Supporting you & your team over the bumps

In addition to the direct costs of employee sickness absence, high levels of absence can also de-motivate employees who have to take on the absent employee’s work, cause all-round disruption to productivity and possibly, adversely affect your business’s ability to service its clients.


Ensuring your employees are healthy and happy isn’t just the right thing to do, it also has a direct impact on the bottom line.


Integra HR can provide a holistic approach to help you with this.  We can:


  • provide a sickness absence policy and procedure so that employees understand how to report their sickness and what their responsibilities are when they are off work due to sickness

  • introduce sickness absence monitoring systems to help manage absence consistently and effectively

  • develop return to work meetings

  • train managers to manage absence appropriately

  • meet with your absent employees to support them back to work when well enough, or if there is no sign of their return to work in the foreseeable future, manage their departure from the business

  • be the go-between with medical and occupational health professionals

  • prepare written communications

  • Iitroduce and support well-being initiatives 


Similarly, if an employee is under performing, we will work with you to help them back on track.  If the employee’s performance does not improve over time, we can help to manage them appropriately, legally and fairly out of your business.

Other great support to keep your wheels in motion                                         (click icon for more information)

Disciplinary &


Performance & absence


HR  health check

policies &


New starter documents


Redundancy & exits

Family friendly advise & support


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